Minor Program

Minor programs are certification-oriented educational programs that allow a student who successfully conducts a bachelor's degree to study at a limited time to be informed in a second undergraduate program. Minor programs can be conducted between undergraduate programs in different Units, as well as among undergraduate programs in the same Units.
Application Location and Process:
The student may apply to the minor program at the earliest of the major program and at the beginning of the sixth semester at the latest. Applications for the minor program are carried out by the Department of Student Affairs.
Evaluation Process:
Students who have successfully completed all credited courses in the undergraduate program that they have received up to the semester they apply for may apply to the minor program (success in the courses taken from the upper semesters). At the time of application, the GPA should be at least 2.75 GPA.
Conclusion and Notification:
Www.marmara.edu.tr is announced in the announcements section of the web page of the university where the application criteria are approved for the minor program and the applicants are accepted to the program approved by the faculty board of directors.
Calendar: http://takvim.marmara.edu.tr/
Relevant Legislation:
Marmara University Double Major Program and Minor Program Directive
CLICK HERE for Minor Curriculum

This page updated by Geography on 16.10.2019 17:26:57